Many people are having trouble doing the Alpha-1 community survey sponsored by the Alpha-1 Foundation and Alpha-1 Association. If you're one of those people, here's a quick and easy link to the survey.
Click here.
(If you have already done the survey, please DON'T do it again.)
The problem many people had: The survey instructions were to type this in the address bar of your browser:
If you do that, it works perfectly. But many people don't know what the address bar is. (It's at the very top of this page, where it says Many people typed the line into their browser's search box (the box next to the big word Google, if you're using Google). If you put the line there, it doesn't work.
It's a simple mistake, but easy for people to do.
The Foundation has also posted the easy link on its Home page, and also in its news item announcing the survey.
Why not just do that in the first place? Because a professional survey consultant advised NOT to post the link. He said it could skew and complicate the results. In important ways, it would not be as "clean" a survey.
But making it easy for Alphas and carriers to answer the survey seems more important still.