There's a new cover for the Alpha-1 Coded Testing (ACT) brochure.
Here it is.
Q: Is that a good cover photo?
The brochure tells about the Alpha-1 Coded Testing Study at the Medical University of South Carolina. If you'd like to get tested for Alpha-1, but you're afraid to have the test on your medical record, you can get free, confidential testing here, thanks to the Alpha-1 Foundation.
The cover shows Michael Campos, MD, lifting lung cells, including Alpha-1 cells, from a super-cooled tank at his lab. Somebody suggested the cover photo SHOULD show a finger and a card with three little spots of blood on it. You need to do a home finger-stick and donate three spots of blood for the test. You get a little kit that makes it easy and painless, (I tried it; I wasn't sure I'd done it till I saw a little drop of blood forming at the tip of my finger.)
But a picture of blood might scare people off. No?
What do you think?